BIRTH OF A NEW BABY Are you looking for
a baby present or baby gift that is unique - that
people will remember - a newborn baby gift, baby christening gifts, baby
confirmation gifts, baby baptism gifts, baby naming gifts, and birthday
gifts for children of all ages? Send a pretty personalised keepsake candle
to celebrate the birth of a new baby, with a design, colour and message of
your choice. Christening keepsakes are ideal to commemorate
a child's Christening.
KeepSake Candles offer a personalised
candle to celebrate the birth of a new baby delivered to the door.
A personalised gift, for all to remember that special day.
Just an few ideas to help with the text for your
keep sake candle, copy the text below choose the design you require
and past the text into the message section fill in the dashes with
names and dates, or write your own message.

- Congratulations
- And Best Wishes
- on the Birth of your baby
- .............. on ..............

- Welcome To Your
- New Arrival
- ..............
- on
- ..............

- Congratulations
- on the birth
- of your baby boy
- .............. on ..............

- Congratulations on the
- birth of your baby
- daughter
- .........
- on
- ........
- Send a
KeepSake candle!
- A personalised keepsake
- Wedding present or gift!